Fund A Cure with the Sheahan Family | Breakthrough T1D Wisconsin Gala 2025

Fund A Cure with the Sheahan Family | Breakthrough T1D Wisconsin Gala 2025


Dear Friends and Family,

We are excited to announce that our family is being honored at the Breakthrough T1D (formerly JDRF) Madison Gala on Saturday, March 1, 2025. 

Our son Curtis was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in 2008 at the age of 8.  Upon his diagnosis, we had to learn to count carbs, do quick math for insulin calculations, administer shots, test blood sugars at all hours of the night and try to help our son manage an unpredictable disease.  In addition, we worried about complications and prayed for a cure.

Our family quickly became warriors in the fight to find a cure for Curtis and others battling this relentless disease. With help from our community and generous donors like you, we pray one day Curtis will say he USED to have T1D.

Breakthrough T1D’s mission is to cure, prevent and better treat type 1 diabetes. As we work toward cures, Breakthrough T1D harnesses its extensive resources to make the daily lives of people with Type 1 more tolerable. We have witnessed so many advancements throughout the past 16 years, including the dramatic impact of continuous glucose monitoring and the closed loop insulin pump system that Curtis uses now.

The Gala has always been one of our favorite events and we have attended every year since 2008.  You are important to us, and we would love for you to join us in the ballroom for the event.  The One Night, One Mission, Breakthrough T1D Wisconsin Gala will take place on March 1, 2025, at the Monona Terrace in Madison. This event will once again be an inspirational evening in support of diabetes research.  Our goal is nothing less than finding a cure for T1D and we believe Breakthrough T1D will help us achieve this goal.

We humbly request your support in our journey to cure T1D.  This can take the form of purchasing individual tickets or hosting a table, donating an auction item, or making a Fund A Cure contribution to Breakthrough T1D. Your gift will make a difference in the lives of every person who faces daily challenges of T1D.

We are blessed to have you help us on this journey.  On behalf of our family, and all families with T1D, thank you for your generous support and we hope you’ll join us on March 1!


With love and great appreciation,

The Sheahan Family

Wisconsin Chapter
Mail donations to:

PO Box 5064
Hagerstown, MD 21741-5064