Matching gifts
Multiply the impact of your donation by asking your employer to contribute!
How to get your gift matched
First: Find your employer
Search for your employer and get information about their matching gift program.
Next: Mail or email your form to us
If your employer requires us to complete the ‘recipient portion’ of your paper matching gift application, you can fill it out and mail or email it to us. Or, you can provide us with a copy of your electronic matching gift submission form, which we’ll need to confirm your charitable donation.
Breakthrough T1D
Matching Gifts Department
200 Vesey Street, 28th Floor
New York, NY 10281
Breakthrough T1D’s Federal Taxpayer ID is 23-1907729.
If you have any questions about our matching gifts program or would like information on how your company can start its matching gifts program, please email us or call 1-212-785-9500.
What are matching gifts?
Matching gifts are gifts your employer will make to match a donation you have given to a qualifying mission-driven nonprofit organization. Many employers offer matching gift programs and will match their staff’s charitable contributions or hours of volunteer work.

Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses of employees. Some companies will allow you to request a match up to one year after you’ve made your donation. Each company that participates has their own guidelines and processes.
If your company participates, you may need to complete the gift-matching process online via your company’s donation portal. Some companies may require employees to obtain and fill out the company’s matching gift form to send to the receiving nonprofit along with the employee’s donation or documentation of the employee’s donation.

Through the submission of a simple matching gifts donation form, our Walk team was able to triple our efforts.”
Other ways to give to Breakthrough T1D
Make a donation
Explore our other giving programs, including our Monthly Giving program, Tribute Donations, Memorial Donations, vehicle donations, and more.
Fundraise with us
Walk. Ride. Gala. Golf. Play. Or create your own way! Learn about our peer-to-peer fundraising programs and how you can participate.