Breakthrough T1D Families & Area Schools Host Kids Walk to Cure Diabetes
The Greater Fort Worth / Arlington Chapter had a very successful One Walk this year. Thank you all for participating and helping to turn Type One into Type None. As we all know, T1D doesn’t take a break and neither does Breakthrough T1D! So how can you help? By opening the door for setting up a Kids Walk in your child’s school.
What is Kids Walk? It’s a great way to educate students about T1D and the differences between type 1 and Type 2, and to raise money for research, all while having fun. Each school can customize Kids Walk to fit their curriculum. Two dates are set about two weeks apart. The first date is an education day and a fundraising kick-off. The second is the celebratory walk and money collection day.
Now is the time to get the dates on the calendar for Kids Walks to be held in the spring. You help by opening the conversation with your child’s school, and we can do all the work from there.
High School Students, we aren’t leaving you out!
Get your current school or your previous elementary or middle school involved and receive community service hours. Kids Walks are fun and easy, and a great way to earn hours!
To learn more (including how some of the proceeds could go back to your child’s school) please contact Beth Knott or (817) 332-2601.