It’s early October, which means the Nobel Prizes are being awarded in several categories. These prestigious awards recognize outstanding contributions in Peace, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Economic Sciences. They go to the best and brightest people with the best and brightest ideas.

This year, the prizes recognize work that is, in several ways, connected to Breakthrough T1D and the work we are doing to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D) and improve the lives of those living with it.


The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun for the discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation.

But what is it?

The DNA in our body has between 20,000 and 25,000 genes. Our body constantly activates those genes, which allows it to function. For example, there is a gene that tells the beta cells to start creating insulin in response to elevated blood glucose levels.

This is called gene expression—it’s when the body produces something, usually a protein, to do something specific in the body. Gene expression happens when the DNA of a gene is copied to form messenger RNA, or mRNA, which is then turned into a protein that has a unique function. This is orchestrated in a highly tissue-specific manner, creating diverse cell types like muscle, nerve, beta cell, and more.

In 1993, we learned that molecules called microRNAs regulate gene expression. They can hamper or promote it. By measuring the presence of microRNAs and using them as a biomarker, we can learn a lot about what is going on inside the body, what genes are being expressed, and in which cell types.

How does this apply to type 1 diabetes?

Breakthrough T1D is actively funding research into the use of microRNAs to advance our mission. In fact, we are currently funding $2.6 million in grants related to microRNAs. Specifically, we’re exploring their use as biomarkers of disease progression and as a therapeutic target to interfere with the autoimmunity behind T1D.


Biomarkers are, put very simply, things in the body that can be measured. Pulse, body temperature, and blood pressure are all biomarkers. In T1D, there are a handful used in common parlance: blood glucose level, HbA1c, time-in-range, autoantibody status, and more. We want to validate the use of microRNAs as a biomarker of disease progression.

We know through years of work that early detection has many benefits. This includes being educated on what T1D is, preparing for a potential diagnosis, the ability to benefit from a disease-modifying therapy to delay onset, and preventing potentially life-threatening complications at onset. microRNAs have the potential to increase our understanding of disease progression and identify how quickly a person is progressing.

Type 1 diabetes occurs in stages. Today, biomarkers of progression, like autoantibody status, don’t paint the whole picture. If a person tests positive for 2 autoantibodies, that means they are almost 100% likely to develop T1D at some point—but we don’t know how fast. We can measure blood glucose levels, but that is a single data point for dysglycemia. It doesn’t tell us how healthy the beta cells are.

microRNAs have the potential to paint a much more detailed picture. We are funding research to discover whether we can use microRNAs to learn exactly where a person is in their progression to stage 3 T1D and how quickly it’s happening.

In summary—we believe microRNAs can enhance the predictive value on top of the current biomarkers for T1D. They can be a very useful tool in measuring progression and helping people in stages 1 and 2 of T1D.

microRNAs as a therapeutic target

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease—a disease where the body’s immune system destroys its own cells. In T1D, the T-cells in the immune system destroy the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

Our research into stopping disease progression focuses mainly on two areas: modifying the immune system and modifying the beta cells. microRNAs can potentially help us fix the dysregulation in the immune system, slowing down or halting the autoimmune attack.

Breakthrough T1D-funded researchers discovered that blocking microRNA-146a in mice can prevent the T-cells from damaging the beta cells. Preventing damage to the beta cells prevents T1D from progressing. Our hypothesis: if we can block microRNA-146a, we can slow down or halt disease progression. This specific study is in a pre-clinical setting, and if it goes well, it could move into clinical trials in the near future.

David Baker – Nobel Prize in Chemistry

David Baker, a breakthrough T1D-funded researcher, was awarded half the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for computational protein design.

Baker’s prize acknowledges his work in discovering a way to create new proteins that have never existed before. These proteins can potentially be used to treat diseases, make new vaccines, and more. A few years ago, we saw a potential application to T1D.

There haven’t been any groundbreaking changes in insulin since the discovery of synthetic insulin in the late 1970’s. Breakthrough T1D wants to change that—and is funding researchers, like David Baker, to figure out what the next generation of insulins can look like.

Baker received two grants from us from 2016-2021 to use a computer model to create new, glucose-responsive insulin (GRI). GRI is insulin that can be administered, exist in the blood stream, and only be active when it is needed. Baker’s grant was one of many projects we are pursuing in GRI. This work continues to this day, and there are even GRIs in human clinical trials.

What’s next?

This year’s Nobel Prizes show that we are focusing on the same things the Nobel Committee is focused on: the best and brightest scientists and the best and brightest research. Hopefully, one day, we’ll see a T1D scientist win a Nobel Prize for curing this disease.

Want to learn more?

Visit our Funded Research page, where you can read about every single grant we fund—including David Baker’s work in GRI and the many grants currently being funded to study microRNAs.