Breakthrough T1D and the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) are thrilled to announce the 2023 recipients of the Allan Drash Clinical Fellowships—and they’re an incredible bunch.

They are:

What are Allan Drash Clinical Fellowships?

T1D is a global program—a problem whose enormous scope is coming further into focus thanks to the T1D Index. For years, ISPAD and Breakthrough T1D have been committed to ensuring healthcare professionals around the world have the skills, knowledge, and personal connections to make a difference in their communities through the Drash Fellowships.

Each year, the Fellows are chosen from an incredible pool of candidates from middle-income and developing nations. Fellows receive a stipend to spend 6 weeks at an ISPAD Center of Excellence. These Centers are cutting-edge diabetes care providers, staffed with expert clinicians. These Centers are the best possible place to learn the skills needed to help people with T1D live their best lives. After 6 weeks, they take this life-saving information back home, transforming diabetes care in their communities.

These fellowships have a tangible real-world impact. There are dozens of clinicians in countries all over the world that are now providing the best possible care to their patients—which would not have been possible without these fellowships.

ISPAD-Breakthrough T1D Research Fellowship

In addition to the Drash Fellowships, Breakthrough T1D funds the ISPAD-Breakthrough T1D Research Fellowship Awards. These fellowships are for ISPAD members under 40 who want to pursue a career in diabetes-related research.

Congratulations to all recipients and thank you for all you do for the diabetes community!