Halloween is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year for kids and adults alike. Dressing up in costume, going trick-or-treating, and devouring candy is a tradition for many families.
But the fear of hard-to-manage blood sugar can make Halloween more stressful than exciting for those living with type 1 diabetes (T1D).
Don’t be scared, be prepared! Breakthrough T1D has you covered with our easy-to-use Halloween Guide, with tips and suggestions to help you have a fun and safe holiday. And our list of carb counts for popular Halloween candies is a great resource to print out and hang on the fridge for quick reference.
For adults with T1D who celebrate Halloween, if you’re going to be enjoying alcoholic beverages, be sure to visit our guide to drinking safely with T1D.
We hope you stay healthy, have fun, and enjoy the spooky season!