Navigating the holidays with T1D


The holiday season is upon us! The lights, the songs, the gifts, the food, there is so much to celebrate! But we know with all the joy and festivity there can sometimes be moments of stress–so we’re here to help where we can!

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) can make this time of the year a little tricky. Can you enjoy holiday treats and festive meals? Of course! Can you surround yourself with the hustle and bustle of the season? Definitely! Managing your or your loved one’s blood sugar will take a little more work, including a bit more planning ahead and a bit more adjusting. (But it will be worth it!)

Here are a few tips to help you celebrate the holidays to the fullest:

Plan ahead and enjoy your traditional holiday dishes and meals 

Our Holiday Guides have helpful tips including carb counts for many traditional foods to make the holidays easier.
Download Our Holiday Guides here!

Know the effects of alcohol on T1D 

Eggnog and champagne toasts are often part of holiday festivities. Consuming alcohol carefully and safely with T1D is important, so you can enjoy yourself without risking hypoglycemia later on. Learn more about alcohol and T1D.

Get moving (and keep moving) to boost insulin sensitivity 

It’s tempting to sink into the couch cushions come winter—resist that urge! Daily exercise is one of the best tools for fighting rising blood sugars and insulin resistance during the holidays.

Even a daily walk can significantly boost your sensitivity to insulin and support your blood sugar goals. In other words, it can help insulin work better in your body! But you’ve got to be consistent—make it a daily part of your life. Learn more about exercise and T1D here.

Keep Stress in Check 

The holidays can cause a lot of anxiety from busy travel days to navigating family gatherings, and stress of any kind can impact your blood sugar, causing unexpected highs or lows.

The good news is, following the tips above puts you ahead of the game when it comes to managing stress. Exercise, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep are great ways to reduce stress. It’s also a good time of year to find and embrace what you are grateful for. Whether it’s books, music, food, family and friends, pets, or nature, surround yourself with what brings your soul joy!

If you find that you are having difficulty managing stress, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Check out the recording of Breakthrough T1D’s No Limits™ Speaker Series, hosted by Katie McLean, Ph.D., M.S., Licensed Psychologist and Health Services Provider, with advice on managing T1D and navigating mental health needs during the busy holiday season.

Navigating the holidays with T1D isn’t always easy, but planning ahead can help you enjoy it all!