NJ EMTs Can Now Administer Blood Glucose Tests

Significant news for our New Jersey T1D Community! The NJ Department of Health Office of Emergency Medical Services has approved changes that authorize Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) providing service for a Basic Life Support Ambulance Service to expand their scope of practice to include administering blood glucose tests to patients.
This change were made possible by legislation – Bill S3278/A4280 – which was sponsored by Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese, District 36 (Bergen & Passaic Counties) and Senator Troy Singleton, District 7 (Burlington County).
Now, after undergoing training and certification, our first responders are able to deliver faster care for diabetic emergencies.
Special thank you to Gina Gehan, chapter board member and outreach ambassador chair, for pursuing this crucial issue with her state representatives.
For more information: Full Legislation and EMT Scope Of Practice