Glen Tullman, Breakthrough T1D Director Emeritus and Livongo Health Founder honored with the RFK Human Rights Ripple of Hope Award

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Breakthrough T1D is incredibly proud of Glen Tullman, Breakthrough T1D Director Emeritus and a committed member of the Breakthrough T1D Illinois Chapter for receiving the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Award. This prestigious award recognizes and honors leaders of the international business, entertainment, and activist communities who have demonstrated a commitment to social change and reflect Robert Kennedy’s passion for equality, justice, basic human rights, and his belief that each of us can make a difference.

Glen has always been dedicated to converting small ripples into big waves and is the true embodiment of what this award signifies. He is passionately driven to finding cures for diabetes and other chronic conditions and keeping people healthy until we do. He has been actively involved with Breakthrough T1D since the early 1990s when his niece was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and later when his son was also diagnosed with T1D at the age of 9, his involvement and commitment only multiplied.

A visionary leader and entrepreneur, prior to founding Livongo he ran two public companies that changed the way healthcare is delivered. Prior to Livongo, Glen served as Chief Executive Officer of Allscripts, the leading provider of Electronic Health Records, Practice Management and Electronic Prescribing systems.

Breakthrough T1D has counted on Glen’s firm belief in the power of innovation. He has been instrumental in supporting Breakthrough T1D to launch the Artificial Pancreas Consortium that brought together the best researchers in the T1D field with engineers and leading mathematicians. The Consortium produced and tested a prototype that worked, and research that eventually led to the systems being commercialized today.

He has served in many volunteer leadership roles throughout his time with Breakthrough T1D, including Co-Chairing the Illinois Chapter One Dream Gala and Chairing the Research to Reality Campaign in Illinois. In addition to his Gala leadership and fundraising for Breakthrough T1D, Glen sponsors Walk and has a Livongo team; he also sponsors Ride, has encouraged and inspired fellow Livongo employees to ride with him and fielded over 140 riders at the Breakthrough T1D one hundred mile ride.

Among his many accomplishments is also authoring a book, On Our Terms: Empowering the New Health Consumer, which proposes new solutions to address the chronic-condition epidemic facing our country. Glen’s tireless pursuit to empower people with chronic conditions and improve their lives by putting them back in charge of their health and care is truly inspiring.

Breakthrough T1D President and CEO Dr. Aaron Kowalski was honored to be invited to attend the award ceremony as one of Glen’s guests. “He brings high energy, enthusiasm and is such a champion for those impacted by type 1 diabetes”, expressed Dr. Kowalski and said that he once heard the term ‘Glenergy’ which truly describes Glen’s passion and commitment.

The 51st annual Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Award ceremony recognizing the celebratory achievements of four pioneers was held in New York City on December 12, 2019. Other illustrious recipients of the 2019 Award were Nancy Pelosi, 52nd Speaker of the House of Representatives, J.K. Rowling, author and children’s right advocate, and Wendy Abrams, environmentalist and social activist. What an honor to be considered part of this remarkable group of individuals!

Congratulations, Glen! We are thrilled to celebrate your accomplishments and are honored to have you on our side in this fight to cure type 1 diabetes.