Thank you for visiting the Grau Family Breakthrough T1D (Formerly JDRF) Gala Page!
As you know, Alicea and I co-chaired last year’s gala and raised a record-breaking amount of $18M, thanks in part to the generosity of many of you. We are proud of the hard work and commitment from our family, friends, volunteers and staff at Breakthrough T1D. The success of this type of event doesn’t happen without the involvement of everyone.
We are continuing our quest to beat that record, and it will once again ‘take a village” to make this dream come true. As a board member of Breakthrough T1D and attendee of our yearly Mission summit, I can tell you that all donations are pushing us closer than ever to a cure. From research scientists closest to the trials to executives at Breakthrough T1D, everyone is extremely encouraged that we are gaining traction on finding the cure. To keep the momentum moving forward, it will require more money, time, and research.
On the personal side, Luke continues to manage his disease with greater confidence. Over the past year he’s made huge steps towards changing his devices when needed, learning more about the data via his glucose monitor and has become a true master with the technology of his insulin pump. He’s more aware of his body and being proactive on managing the highs/lows with his blood sugar levels. All that said, T1D doesn’t sleep, take a vacation, or take a day off. It’s constant and requires round the clock monitoring to ensure Luke stays healthy.
We are setting a goal of raising $50,000 and we hope you will consider donating to Breakthrough T1D. On behalf of our entire family and the larger T1D community, we thank you for your continued support of Luke and all those affected with T1D.
Kayne & Alicea