Greater New York Metro Chapter

Participate in a Clinical Trial

Participating in a clinical trial is a great way to contribute to curing, preventing, and treating type 1 diabetes (T1D) and its complications. Learn more below about the clinical trials currently recruiting in your area as well as Breakthrough T1D's easy tool to match you with a clinical trial in 60 seconds.

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Choosing to participate in a T1D clinical trial is a very personal decision, but one that can have a significant impact on curing, preventing and treating T1D. There are many opportunities in the Greater New York Metro area and virtually to participate in a T1D clinical trial close to home. See below for active opportunities!

Breakthrough T1D has an easy-to-use tool called the Clinical Trials Connection where you can match with a clinical trial in 60 seconds. It asks users some simple questions about themselves before matching them with trials for which they are eligible. Clinical Trials Connection uses your city, distance you’re willing to travel and other characteristics to narrow down hundreds of trials to the ones in which you might be interested. Start your search by visiting today!





The purpose of this study is to investigate why individuals with type 1 diabetes remain at increased risk for heart disease and stroke, even after the reduction of their “bad” LDL-cholesterol.

Who is eligible

  • Who are ≥ 18 years old
  • Who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
  • Who also have an LDL-cholesterol ≥ 100mg/dL


The goal of this study is to see how the experimental study drug, siplizumab, can block or weaken the cells that attack beta cells in the pancreas. This would allow the beta cells to continue to function and produce insulin.

Who is eligible

  • Between the ages of 18 and 45
  • Have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes within the last 18 months
  • Are in good general health

DESIGNATE is active, but not currently enrolling participants



DIAGNODE-3 is a Breakthrough T1D-funded phase 3 clinical trial of the disease-modifying therapy Diamyd®. The goal is to preserve as many healthy beta cells as possible to maintain the body’s own insulin production.

Who is eligible

  • Between the ages of 12-28
  • Have been diagnosed with stage 3 type 1 diabetes within the last 6 months
  • Tested positive for a specific genetic marker (HLA DR3-DQ2)


Is your family expecting? Join Mount Sinai (NYC) in The Promise Study.

  • Are you pregnant with type 1 diabetes?
  • Are you an expectant father with type 1 diabetes?
  • Are you an expectant parent with a child who has type 1 diabetes?


TrialNet is testing two different Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors to see if either or both can preserve insulin production in people recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

This study is enrolling people who are:

  • Age 12-35
  • Newly diagnosed with T1D (in past 3 months)
  • Up to date on required vaccines (including the flu vaccine when it is available)
  • Not pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant while in the study
  • AND have:
    • One or more diabetes-related autoantibodies
    • Hemoglobin A1C below 10%
    • C-peptide detectable during a mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT)


TrialNet is studying the use of rituximab-pvvr and abatacept, one after the other, to learn if using both treatments extends insulin production in people newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

This study is enrolling children and adults who are:

  • Age 8-45
  • Newly diagnosed with T1D (in past 3 months)
  • Up to date on required vaccines (including the flu vaccine when it is available)
  • Not pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant while in the study
  • AND have:
    • 1 or more diabetes-related autoantibodies
    • C-peptide detectable during a mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT)


Virtual Studies

Diabetes Technology Use in U.S. Hospitals: A Survey of Patient Experiences

Stanford Medicine wants to hear from you, if you live with diabetes and visited a hospital or emergency room in the past year.

Don’t have much experience with diabetes technology? Stanford Medicine still wants to hear from you!

Please complete the survey linked above to participate in their research.


If you have any questions, please contact our Greater New York Metro Chapter Clinical Trials Education Volunteer, Alecia Wesner.

Updated: March 5, 2025

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