Day 26 – Meet Ciara
Ciara is 6 years old; she loves to dance, do gymnastics, and sing. She tells funny stories and gives great hugs! Ciara has been living with T1D since she was only 1 year old. She doesn’t remember what it’s like not to have diabetes. Doing fingersticks and getting insulin during the day and night has always been “normal” for her. Also “normal” for Ciara is waking up during the night and being interrupted during a party or class to test her blood sugar, and having to watch what she eats, all the time. The hardest part for Ciara at her age is still having her mom attend every friend’s party or play date. When other children ask Ciara what she is doing, she explains that she has T1D and needs insulin to keep her body healthy. Some days aren’t so easy though, and Ciara often asks why she has diabetes. Breakthrough T1D lets Ciara know she’s not alone and that they are working hard to find a cure for her and all others with T1D!
Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Ciara and others living with T1D by clicking here.