Walk Day Information: Breakthrough T1D One Walk Boston

The Breakthrough T1D Walk to Cure Diabetes has become Breakthrough T1D One Walk in Boston and other select markets.  We’ve changed the name of our flagship fundraising event to communicate our focus on a single goal: creating a world without type 1 diabetes (T1D).  The new name and bold look at this year’s Breakthrough T1D One Walk reflect the powerful impact you are making on our efforts to turn Type One into Type None.  Thank you!

1. We HIGHLY encourage all Walkers to pre-register online at https://walk.jdrf.org/onewalkboston2014.  Not only does this make Check-In go more smoothly, it allows you to get to the fun and not wait in line.
2. You can mail in gifts to the Breakthrough T1D office before the Walk or drop by the office at 60 Walnut Street, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 (we’d love to see you and thank you in person!).  Be sure to read the enclosed Walk Money Tips Sheet.  Turning in funds earlier is another great way to ensure a speedy check-in process on Walk Day!  For directions to the Breakthrough T1D office, visit our website at https://newengland.jdrf.org.
3. Walk Day Bag Policy:  The police will be strongly enforcing a policy where no bags can be left on the Hatch Shell while you are on the Walk route.  Please be prepared by only bringing bags you can walk with (small backpacks, cross-body purses, fanny packs, etc.).

Directions and Parking


9:30 a.m.
Check-In Opens

10 a.m.
Welcome Remarks

10:30 a.m.
Walk Starts!

11:30 a.m.
Light refreshments to be served. Entertainment to be provided by Standing Room Only!

View our Walk Site and Route Map

1.  The Walk will look a little different this year.  The main point of entry, the Check-In Tent, is now where the Food and Beverage Tent used to be.  Please see the enclosed site map to get acquainted with our new layout.
2.  If you have donations to turn in and/or have raised $100 or more to earn a Walk t-shirt, please proceed to the Check-In Tent.
-General Check-In:  If you have pre-registered online and have Walk gifts to turn in, donations should be counted and sealed in a completed Walker Collection Envelope.  An accurate total of money contained in the envelope must be clearly written on the outside of the envelope. Every Walker turning in funds should turn in their own separate envelope.  It is extremely important that Collection Envelopes are filled out completely and accurately.  Be sure to read the enclosed Walker Collection Envelope Instruction Sheet.  Collection Envelopes will be available at the Registration Tables near the Check-In Tent.  Please see enclosed instructions on how to fill out your Collection Envelope.
-Unregistered Walkers:  We would like to collect basic information for everyone attending the Breakthrough T1D One Walk.  If you or members of your team have not registered, please proceed to one of our Registration Tables to complete a Walker Collection Envelope.  If you are turning in donations, please clearly write on the outside of the envelope the total amount enclosed and proceed to Check-In.  If you have no money to turn in, please hand your completed envelope to a volunteer greeter.
-Express Check-In:  We will have a few stations open in the Express Check-In area for those Walkers and Team Captains who have pre-registered, raised all of their funds online, and don’t have donations to turn in on Walk Day.  If you raised $100 or more you can pick up your t-shirt ticket here.
-V1P Check-In:  If you have raised more than $1,000, you are a V1P and there will be a designated Check-In line just for you.  This is our way of making Walk Day a little bit easier for our top fundraisers!  You will also pick up your V1P lanyard here for exclusive access to our V1P Tent.
3. Get a T-shirt Ticket at Check-In:  Did you personally raise at least $100 for Breakthrough T1D?  Thank you for your support!  Be sure to get a white t-shirt ticket at Check-In and pick up your t-shirt at the T-Shirt Tent.
4. NEW THIS YEAR—T-Shirts for our T1D Walkers:  Breakthrough T1D is motivated by the millions of children and adults challenged by T1D every single day.  We celebrate your strength and the sense of hope and empowerment that Walk Day brings.  Let our volunteers know if you would like a special blue t-shirt identifying you as living with T1D and they will provide you with a blue ticket during Check-In.  You can then pick up your T1D t-shirt at the T-Shirt Tent.  Please note: These t-shirts are complimentary and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

While we provide as many refreshments as possible, thanks to our in-kind sponsors, please understand that we have a limited quantity of food and beverage available and we are not able to meet all dietary needs.  We ask that you please come prepared in order to enjoy the activities of the day.

-Food and beverage options include: apples, Stacy’s Pretzel Thins, Kayem hot dogs, ENLIGHTENED ice cream bars, Dasani water, Coca-Cola products, Hint Water, and Polar Seltzer.  We will also be serving DAVIDsTEA and clam chowder in our V1P Tent.
-Please be sure to thank our Water Stop #2 Partners, Auto Body Clinic/Modern Auto Glass, as well as the FOX25 team who will be joining us again at Water Stop #3.
-There is an additional option for purchasing refreshments at the Charles River Bistro on the Esplanade, just off the banks of the Charles River lagoon.

Due to bridge construction, our Walk Route will once again be limited to the Boston side of the Charles River Esplanade.  We will be offering a shorter Family Friendly route option this year.   Please see the Walk Route Map for details and remember to follow the Breakthrough T1D signs.  Volunteers will also be in place to help you navigate the Walk route.

-Sponsor and Vendor Booths will be open before and after the Walk.  This year we’ll be joined by fantastic partners including Medtronic, Lilly Diabetes, Novo Nordisk, Insulet Corporation, Animas Corporation, Nova Diabetes Care, Sanofi Diabetes, and Tandem Diabetes Care.
-The Activities Tent is the place to be…  Stop by in the morning to get a temporary tattoo and your child’s ID bracelet.  Take a photo complete with fun props, and then post it on your favorite social media site using #JDRFOneWalk #Boston.  You can also decorate an “N” and place it on the wall…Turning Type One into Type None.
-Visit our New Family Welcome and Advocacy Tent to learn more about Breakthrough T1D, our research efforts, and how you can become involved locally.  *NEW THIS YEAR: If this is your first Walk, be sure to pick up your New Family Bandana here and enter our drawing to win Boston Celtics tickets!
-For our V1Ps, you and a guest are invited to the V1P Tent to meet our local volunteer leadership and have a conversation with Julia Greenstein, Ph.D., Breakthrough T1D’s Vice President, Discovery Research.
-Walk Day Entertainment will be provided by AMP 103.3, drummers from The Movement @ Berklee, and local cover band Standing Room Only.

View our complete pre-Walk information packet.