Breakthrough T1D One Walk Spotlight: Meet Good Neighbor Pharmacy


Welcome to the Breakthrough T1D One Walk Spotlight Series! This month, we celebrate the support of local businesses and organizations—our corporate partners! When our corporate neighbors come together with their community at our Breakthrough T1D One Walk, they create change and positively impact lives of those living with T1D.

Since 2005, AmerisourceBergen Corporation has partnered with Breakthrough T1D to create a world without type 1 diabetes (T1D). AmerisourceBergen has helped to build valuable awareness for the Breakthrough T1D mission to cure T1D through the support of research through a variety of promotional and marketing activities.

Good Neighbor Pharmacy, an AmerisourceBergen company, has been engaged with the One Walk Philadelphia for 13 years, raising over $300,000 through corporate team fundraising and sponsorship dollars. For the last four years, Good Neighbor Pharmacy has been the Breakthrough T1D One Walk Philadelphia Banner Sponsor, with the Good Neighbor Pharmacy logo on banners along Eakins Oval and in Center City Philadelphia—and they have re-committed for 2019!

Read below to find out why Good Neighbor Pharmacy joins the T1D community at the One Walk Philadelphia, as shared by Team Captains Sarah Parson and Caitlyn Ferry.

Why does Good Neighbor Pharmacy choose to participate in Breakthrough T1D One Walk?

Good Neighbor Pharmacy has been supporting Breakthrough T1D for over 13 years! From fundraising in the office to participating in the walk each year, our team has been active and diligent in raising awareness of T1D. Our involvement also supports the independent pharmacists in our network who see and interact with T1D patients on a regular basis. They see how it personally affects their patients’ lives and families, so it means a lot to them that the Good Neighbor Pharmacy family supports such an important organization.

How does Good Neighbor Pharmacy fundraise for the Walk?

We have an awesome committee that comes up with great ideas for fundraising efforts each year. Some of those efforts include making and selling yogurt parfaits and healthy fruit smoothies and putting on an annual party for our associates. We get associates from both our offices in Conshohocken and Chesterbrook involved and always have a great turnout for these events.

How Good Neighbor Pharmacy raise awareness of T1D within the company or in the community?

Our annual party raises a lot of awareness and donations for Breakthrough T1D. The committee comes up with themes for baskets to raffle off at these parties. We then reach out to our partners and community to see if they’d like to contribute to these efforts, the response we receive is always so encouraging and generous!

Richard Tremonte, the Executive Vice President and President of Community & Specialty Pharmacy for AmerisourceBergen, is also an active member of the Breakthrough T1D Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter Board of Directors! He has been a tremendous supporter of our committee and has encouraged associates to get involved, attend the walk and fundraise for research.

What is your team’s favorite part of being involved with Breakthrough T1D and One Walk?

The best part is being able to bring our associates together to support an important cause. It’s really given all of us an opportunity to share our stories and connections with T1D and drives our efforts for our common goal—to raise funds for research to end T1D.

Some committee members have had the opportunity to attend Breakthrough T1D’s annual Government Day. This time advocating for research shows how important it is to be involved and to raise awareness and funds. Hearing how this disease has impacted families and individuals puts our efforts into perspective and makes us realize how important it is to continue what we’re doing.

Anything else you’d like to share about Good Neighbor Pharmacy charitable efforts and/or engagement with Breakthrough T1D.

Good Neighbor Pharmacy’s commitment to Breakthrough T1D has extended to ThoughtSpot, our annual event and tradeshow for independent pharmacists. Breakthrough T1D has attended in years past to speak with our customers about their stories and interactions with patients and to offer valuable resources they can utilize or recommend to those affected by T1D.

JDRF’s partnership with AmerisourceBergen Corporation and Good Neighbor Pharmacy plays an extremely important role in the impact we are making in T1D research. They welcome Breakthrough T1D and our volunteers into their corporate culture by engaging their employees, as well as their customers, patients, and vendors, on Breakthrough T1D’s behalf. Because of AmerisourceBergen and Good Neighbor Pharmacy, Breakthrough T1D-funded research continues to deliver life-changing therapies to people with T1D while we work toward the cure they so urgently need and deserve.

How to get involved with Breakthrough T1D One Walk

Registration fall 2019 Breakthrough T1D One Walk events is open, and there’s plenty of time to assemble your team, as fundraising continues well beyond Walk Day.

Celebrate all the hard work—or kick off the start of your fundraising!—with a day of fun at one of the following locations:

 PPL Center on Saturday, October 12, 2019

Citizens Bank Park on Sunday, October 20, 2019

Warminster Community Park on Sunday, October 27, 2019

Looking for a meaningful way to increase employee engagement, unify your team and build camaraderie? Forming a Breakthrough T1D One Walk Corporate Team can help you do just that! In addition to supporting your employees, Breakthrough T1D One Walk allows you to create positive change in your community—and reach your organization’s philanthropic goals. It’s easy to get involved at any level—no matter the size of your company. For more information, please contact or 610-664-9255.