Join our advocacy movement

We work with national decision-makers to address issues that impact the T1D community.

Advocacy powers progress

When it comes to improving the lives of those living with type 1 diabetes (T1D), advocacy is an incredibly important part of our work.

By using your voice, you can advance breakthroughs by championing federally-funded T1D research, drive progress by ensuring critical medical advancements and resources swiftly reach the T1D community, and improve everyday life with T1D by supporting policies that help prevent, manage, and treat T1D—while advancing toward cures. 

Ways to get involved

Engage with Members of Congress

Breakthrough T1D Advocates are always fighting for the T1D community. Let your Members of Congress know how they can help the T1D community today.

Together We Can

Together We Can connects our grassroots advocates with Members of Congress to advance our key issues. Advocacy leaders from all over the country meet in the Members’ home states—bringing together local individuals and families—to share their personal connections to T1D articulating the emotional, financial, and physical costs of the disease and encouraging support for our positions. 

New Member Outreach Initiative

The New Member Outreach Initiative (NMOI) is a biennial campaign driven by our grassroots advocates and conducted after newly elected Members of Congress are sworn into office. Similar to “Together We Can,” these local meetings serve as an opportunity for constituents to educate Congress about issues that are important to the T1D community and to build new relationships. 

Breakthrough T1D Children’s Congress

Every two years, more than 160 youth with T1D between the ages of 4 and 17 gather in Washington, D.C., to meet face-to-face with some of the top decision-makers in the U.S. Government. The selected Delegates represent all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as Breakthrough T1D’s five international affiliates.

As participants in Breakthrough T1D Children’s Congress, Delegates have a unique and empowering opportunity to help Members of Congress understand what life with T1D is like, while forming lasting bonds with fellow youth who live with this autoimmune disease.

Breakthrough T1D 2025 Children’s Congress will take place July 7-9, 2025, in Washington, D.C.

Advocacy for youth and young adults

Youth group working together
Youth Advocacy Leader Program

The Youth Advocacy Leader program, open to youth ages 17 and under, aims to inspire budding advocates to use their voices on behalf of the T1D community to to advance issues that are important to those impacted by the condition.

Young Adult Advocacy Council
Young Adult Advocacy Council

The Young Adult Advocacy Council is a group of young adults who are business professionals, community leaders, and engaged students who actively support the advancement of Breakthrough T1D’s advocacy agenda. 

What is grassroots advocacy?

  • Writing Members of Congress and other key decision-makers through our campaigns and initiatives.
  • Meeting with lawmakers and their staff.
  • Telling our stories of living with T1D.
  • Inspiring others to use their voices.

Insulin affordability 

All people with T1D should have affordable access to insulin, which they need to take multiple times a day to survive. No one should suffer or die because they cannot afford insulin.  

Breakthrough T1D is committed to working with all relevant stakeholders—including insulin manufacturers, health insurance providers, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), and employers—to achieve insulin affordability without stifling innovation. 

Special Diabetes Program 

The Special Diabetes Program (SDP) provides $150 million annually for T1D research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the country’s premier medical research agency. The SDP complements Breakthrough T1D’s research efforts. 

To date, the SDP has dedicated nearly $3.4 billion to critical research. It has delivered real breakthroughs to this community, including artificial pancreas systems, the first therapy to delay T1D onset, and more. Ensuring continued SDP funding is Breakthrough T1D’s top legislative priority.

Breakthrough T1D Advocates have changed what it means to live with this condition. They’ve secured billions in federal funding for T1D research, improved access to lifesaving therapies, and are driving cures. Join us and help make T1D history.”

Laura Whitton

Breakthrough T1D VP, Government Relations and Grassroots Advocacy